Today, we are entering into a new phase of Betty's Book. We've been calling it the Double Meat Dinners. Yes, there are a number of recipes in
Betty's Big Red
that call for multiple animals in one meal. There are even a few, like The Italian Grill and Seafood Lasagna, that call for three or four. But more about those later. The good news is that Betty gives us a lot more than just meat to work with.
Today is the perfect storm of
Meatless Monday and
The Betty Crocker Project Anniversary Week, and so it only seems fit we start off the week with
Spanish Chicken--also known as Basque Chicken. This pretty, fancy, wonderful dinner is a mock-meat-lovers dream come true! It has it all. Beautiful colors, rich unique flavors... and
This dinner makes enough for two people to have leftovers for a few days... but there weren't any in our house, because it was to good to stop eating. No regrets. Well, one regret: that we didn't have any leftovers to eat.
Thank you, Betty Crocker, for inspiring us to make a dish we probably would have never tried, and for all the inspiration you have given us this year. When I take a long hard look at who I was when I started this project, I have to admit that I was in a very bad place. I was disappointed in my career, and I was deeply disappointed in myself for not being as successful as my friends and even my husband**. For years I had lost myself in cooking, even before I began this project. I focused on figuring out how to make vegan versions of dishes that seemed impossible. It was how I used my creative energy, and found some sense in a world that at the time seemed beyond my control. It was what I had to contribute. It was how I bonded with my friends and my husband who I could feel myself drifting away from as my career stood still and theirs' prospered. It was how I found a place for myself. It's hard to admit these things about yourself, but I think that I can. Because one year later, things are very different. And they seem to be moving into a better place every day.
This project has given me an outlet for all of my creative energy, and has provided me with people to chat with about vegan living and cooking (when I get the chance). And most of all, it has inspired me to be the best me I can be. Thank you Betty Crocker, all you loyal lurkers, public followers and yes,
even Julie Powell***... your support, encouragement, and existence has changed my life.
Are you weeping yet? OK, enough mushy stuff for now... there might be more this week. Prepare yourself.
Double Mock Meat Dinners - GO*!