
Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Betty Crocker Project : Shortbread Cookies

I've heard it said that in the culinary world, bakers are considered the mad scientists. Which I love.

I admit I love the measuring and testing, popping my creations in the oven, and then pulling out something different than what went in! I love the chemistry and tinkering, and how it really has to be just right or it's just a disaster. That sounds weird, huh? But the world is a mess, and I just need to rule it... through baking.

I have very fond memories of Shortbread cookies. My grandfather and I used to eat them with chocolate milk while we watched Perry Mason, Twilight Zone and Dick Van Dyke Show reruns when he babysat me in the afternoons. I remember my grandfather--or as I called him, "Great Dad"--opening the larger red tin and explaining to me that they were special. They came from Scotland. So we could only have 3 at a time.

These aren't that exotic, but these ones are vegan, and also go well with anything in black and white. And you can eat as many as you want.

Betty's Shortbread Cookies

  • 3/4 & 3 Tablespoons Cup Margarine (softened)
  • 1/4 Cup Sugar
  • 2 Cups Flour

Heat oven to 350.

In a large bowl, stir Margarine and Sugar together until well mixed. I used a pastry hand blender; I think it worked perfectly. Stir in Flour with a large spoon, then use your hands to make it into a large ball. Really work it. If it's too crumbly, use the hand blender to work in 1-2 more Tablespoons of Margarine.

Now, you can do one of two things here.

1 : Roll Dough on a lightly-floured surface. You'll want to make sure it doesn't get any thinner than a 1/2 inch. Then, use a cookie cutter to cut out your cookies.


2 : Get some cookie cutters that are at least an inch thick/tall. Take some Shortbread Dough and fill in the cutters, making sure you get in the corners and the cookie is a 1/2 - 3/4 inch thick. Then, gently push them out. You're forming little biscuits. I would recommend #2.

Either way you do it, put them on a cookie sheet covered in foil and bake them for 10-15 minutes. You just want them to be a little golden. Immediately put them on a wire rack to cool. Use a spatula, and be careful, because they're flaky and crumbly, and also are kind of soft, and will dent.
I would suggest storing them in a tin, and eating them with tea and some Perry Mason.

PS :
Thanks goes out to Derek for this gift. We love it!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great. I've been looking for a shortbread recipe that won't take all day!
    Love the concept behind your blog!
