
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let The Vegan Collection Love-fest Contest Begin!

If you know my husband in real life, you know that he likes what he likes, and that his loyalty to a "good thing" is eternal. Sharing your life with someone like that is easy at Christmas and predicable at restaurants. I could list off examples of the things my love loves for like an hour, but here's what matters today: Dan freaking loves his Vegan Collection wallet. He loves the look. He loves that it's a classic guy's wallet that fits in his pocket. He loves that nobody was hurt making it.

That's why this contest is big deal for us! We both love doing contests with folks who are making the world a better place for animals by providing all us vegans with what we need to not only live a cruelty-free life, but also make it cool. The folks over at The Vegan Collection don't just do that; they also make 100% organic t-shirts with a 90% lower carbon footprint than any other t-shirts out there. and 25% of all profits are donated to organizations that are advocates for animals. So yeah. They are yet another cool thing happening in LA right now, and pretty much the best of the best as far as vegan companies go! 

They are also our partner for the next Meet The Shannons contest! This week, ONE lucky reader can win a Spencer Pocket Wallet and a Vegetable Slayer t-shirt (pictured above)! All you have to do is post a comment below telling us one thing you love about being vegan and a what vegetable you love to "slay". NEXT Monday September 26th at 9pm EST Dan and I will randomly choose ONE winner from the comments below. It will be totally random so you can be honest and admit you love "the babes" or "the cupcakes" or whatever. You can also admit you're not into the greens and your favorite vegetable is tofu. We're all friends here. And in order to win, you have to be a follower of Meet The Shannons so that we have your contact info. To become a follower, just click on the "Join this Site" box in the right hand column in the "Friends of the Family" section.

So let's get this vegan love-fest started!


  1. Thanks for the contest! One thing I love about being vegan? The amazing food! Vegetables I love to slay? Brussels sprouts!

    I already to subscribe to your blog through a reader, but just did the "follow by email." There are several "follow" options in the right column--was that the right one to select?

  2. I love being vegan because: it makes ordering at restaurants a breeze because it narrows down what there is to choose from; I don't feel bloated after eating; plants are groovy!

    And I love to slay my leafy greens. And my edamame. And potatoes.

  3. One thing I love about being vegan is that I am saving lives. My own included! My current favorite victim is eggplant. Never liked it til this summer!

  4. The thing I love most about being Vegan is learning how to eat. I don't mean the junk I have been eating all my life, but to really eat and eat well, both for my body and for the planet. The vegetable I love to slay and could eat each and every day? Well a few months ago, that would have been a bag of potato chips, now I say it is lettuce, all varieties, I love a salad each and every day.

  5. I love being vegan because it has opened up a world of ENDLESS creativity in the kitchen---a room I previously avoided.

    My favorite vegetable to slay? The onion--even though it brings tears to my eyes...(harhar)

  6. My husband is always looking for the perfect wallet. If I win, he'll have it!

    I just love that I don't feel like a hypocrite. Before I was vegan (or even vegetarian), I said I loved animals, all animals, but how true can that be if you it them. Or allow them to be abused.

    I have discovered a new love for cauliflower. Especially in Indian food, but I just love its versatility in so many types of meals.

  7. My favorite thing about being vegan is that going vegan taught me how to cook! Before I was a strictly Kraft mac n cheese girl and had no idea how to make a well-rounded, hearty, homemade meal.

    My favorite vegetable to "slay" would be carrots! I loooooove carrots, mostly raw with hummus! My friend in college would always warn me that I was going to turn orange from all of the carrots I'd eat.

  8. I want that shirt!

    I love that being vegan makes me feel like I'm doing something really good for myself, animals, and the earth, even when I feel bad about other things in life.

    My favorite veggie to slay is spinach! Yum to spinach salad almost every day.

  9. I love being vegan because it's compassionate and because there is a strong, kind, supportive worldwide vegan community that I am proud to be a part of.

    The vegetable I love to slay? Spinach of course ;)

  10. The thing I love most about being vegan is that it has opened up a world of culinary adventure to me. I was getting bored in the kitchen, and now I get to tread new grounds and recreate masterpieces with culinary ingenuity that I have only come to find in the vegan community.

    I slay asparagus with a vengeance. I oil-board it with garlic infused olive oil, torture it over hot coals, and then grind sea salt over its wounds. DIE YOU DELICIOUS GREEN DEMONS!

  11. I love being vegan because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO!!!

    I am a black bean slayer for sure- my new favorite: refried black beans, YUM!

  12. I love being vegan because I love Daiya Pepperjack "Cheese".

    My favorite vegetable to slay? The Habanero Peppers I just grew & Romaine Lettuce!

  13. The think I love most about being vegan is not having to be cruel to eat and knowing that every day I can learn more about food, cooking and animal rights.

    The vegetable I love to slay? Broccoli!

  14. One I love about being vegan is knowing that I'm doing what I can to not contribute to the suffering of other creatures.

    One vegetable I really like to slay is the broccoli. It tastes delicious in pretty much anything!

  15. me loves the blogs! hehe. and teh cookbooks. i LOVE vegan cookbooks... buying a new one and cracking it open to all sorts of wonderfulness...

  16. I love being vegan cause it inspired me to start cooking for myself, and now cooking is a huge part of my life and one of my favorite things to do! My S.O. and I always talk about killing vegetables, because it's hilarious. My favorite right now is butternut squash. I love fall!

  17. Oh oops - and I love slaying KALE! Kale chips FTW!

  18. I love being vegan because IT'S AWESOME! And I totally slay me some kale on 4x a week basis!

  19. One thing I love about being vegan is the fact that I have to be much more aware of what I'm consuming/buying. It's a good feeling to know the names of the ingredients in the foods I'm eating!
    I'm pretty much a broccoli slaying machine. I found a bag of frozen broccoli the other day, made it, and ate over half of it in one sitting. Didn't feel one bit guilty.

  20. I love that being vegan taught me how to cook! recent veggie obsession: Kale!

  21. Being in Seattle I love that being vegan is not a handicap to dining out. So many options abound here.

    Favorite veggie..that is so hard. I really do love them all (except eggplant.) I guess if I had to choose it'd be broccoli. I can eat it in anything or even by itself.

  22. I love being a vegan, because I don't have to lie to my daughter about what she's eating! I'll never have to see the face of a child who just realized she's been eating the animals she loves! Yay!

    Unfortunately, I spent too many years as a "meat and potatoes" girl and was never encouraged to eat anything new and especially green! So, my relationship with veggies is still new and a little rocky. I think the best (nutritionally) veggie that I do like is fresh spinach. And, I recently found out that I love avocado - which I just knew I hated!

    Also, I know this is a random drawing, so I feel free to say (without sounding like I'm making stuff up just to win cool vegan-wear) - Monday is my birthday, and it would be super-cool to win a prize on my 31st!!!

  23. I love that being vegan has helped me to redefine my relationship with food. I love that with every single (yummy) bite I take I am standing up for what I believe in.
    I'm currently obsessed with carrots, but I also have a thing on the side with spinach, bell peppers, and broccoli

  24. I love being vegan because it's been great for my health and also because it has given my daughter and I another thing to share,(she guided me into veganism). The vegetable I am currently slaying is awesome mixed lettuces from my garden, it's growing so fast I pick it every day to add to everything. Next up the beautiful winter veggies I've planted.

  25. mmm Why I love being Vegan?? Learning new ways to prep/cook veggies and that I am slowly converting my husband to healthy eating/living! The veggies I like most are staples...Peppers/Mushrooms really anything I can eat raw...for cooked I love squash :)


  26. My favourite things about being vegan are that the food I eat is really simple and easy to make, and I have discovered lots of food and methods of cooking through being vegan.

    If beans were a vegetable they would be my favourite (chickpeas especially). But they aren't, so my favourite vegetables would probably be cauliflower and spinach

  27. I love being vegan because I don't have to feel guilty about what I eat and can enjoy it more. I could eat broccoli and cauliflower every single day and be happy :).

  28. That looks like the perfect wallet for my husband. I love being vegan because of the overall feeling of well being. My favorite vegetable is Avacado. I could eat guacamole everyday.

  29. I love being vegan because I never feel guilty about what I eat, and I enjoy making good on my "I love animals" stance every day. My fave-o things to slay are broccoli and rocket (yes, I'm American, but that's the coolest name for greens ever).

  30. I love being vegan because it acquainted me with so many tasty and nutritious grains and vegetables, especially kale, my new favorite!

  31. Hello! I really love being vegan because it acquainted me with so many new and nutritious grains and vegetables. It also really encouraged me to cook my own food more often. Kale is my new favorite vegetable!

  32. I love being vegan because every meal becomes a direct action against exploitation of animals. My favorite vegetable to slay is brussel sprouts, which I had never eaten until a few months ago.

  33. I love being vegan 'cause I'm so much happier in the kitchen, exploring interesting foods and cooking nutritious goodies. My favorite veggies right now? Avocados and kale!

  34. I love being a vegan, because I feel 100% healthier than I was before - I have more energy, sleep better, and am just happier. I love to slay most vegetables - I am getting to try some new and interesting ones in my local farmer's CSA.

  35. What I love about being vegan is knowing that no animals have suffered for me.

    I love to chop up some carrots!

    Thanks for the contest! Love your blog.

  36. I love being vegan but its an everyday lesson in compassion. My favorite veggies are artichokes on practically everything!

  37. Not to be too sappy, but I love being vegan because I love feeling good after I eat...not all icky and bloated as can happen eating non-healthy items. My favorite vegetable has to be carrots...cooked or raw, to me, they're the perfect addition to any dish. Plus their color is just "happy"!

  38. The thing I love most about being vegan is knowing that I'm not intentionally hurting anything in order to eat. I feel good about what I eat, not guilty, and it makes me feel healthier too. There are so many vegetables I love to slay, but sweet potatoes are probably my favorite, I could eat them in anything!

  39. I posted but it disappeared. Hopefully it doesn't show up twice! My favorite thing about being vegan is knowing that I'm not harming anything just to eat. I love slaying all vegetables, but sweet potatoes are probably my favorite...yummy!

  40. I love being vegan because not only do I get to create interesting dishes out of veggies and grains I might not have discovered if I still ate dead things but I get educate my family and friends while feeding them delicious meals and treats. My favorite veggie is the same one I've loved since I was a little kid: broccoli!

  41. I am getting ready to "slay" kale! 'Tis the fall season, and at the CSA I help at, it's in mass quantities! I love being vegan because I feel healthy, it is a creative way to eat & because I love animals and they deserve respect, not exploitation.

    I follow you on Google.

  42. OMG I want that slayer shirt SO BAD! (and I bet hubs would LOVE that wallet!)

    I love being vegan because the weight on my conscience has been lifted. I wasn't even fully aware of how heavy it was until it was gone. I am a much happier person now.

    My favorite vegetable to slay is the brussel sprout! I swear I could eat them by the truckload.

  43. I love everything about being vegan, but a big favorite is making delicious food and seeing the looks of surprise on people's faces when they learn no animal products were needed or used!

    My fave veggie to slay: COLLARDS!!


    PS I follow you through email.

  44. I love being vegan for the adventure of discovering new places to eat and new foods to try.

    My favorite vegetable to slay is spaghetti squash!

  45. I love being vegan first and foremost because I know I am saving animals' lives. Second, it's great to know I'm doing what's best for my body and the planet. The vegetable I love to slay? Well, since going vegan I discovered kale, and I just love it. I also love broiled cauliflower and celery and carrot sticks with hummus.

  46. I love being vegan, because nothing is better than living in accordance with my values of compassion and doing something everyday that's making a positive difference.

    These days I'm slaying delicata squash. Although I'm not thrilled with fall beating at our door, at least delicata squash makes the transition a bit more palatable.

  47. I love being vegan because I feel like I'm really living my values and ethics.

    Kale is a big favorite here! Also we love to watch Dr Who and make some vegan pizza.

  48. Being vegan to me means raising my daughter to make healthy food choices as well as teaching her to love and respect animals. She's almost 3 now, and I've started talking to her about being vegan. Today we were looking at a photo of a pig in our Vegan Vittles cookbook and I was telling her the pig was happy because we don't eat animals. She said, "yeah, we eat FOOD."
    Currently we are loving to "slay" basil leaves and baby spinach.

  49. trying all of the wonderfully wacky concoctions of delicious and nutritious treats is one of the many reasons why i enjoy being a vegan.

    slaying avocados everyday!
