
Friday, July 15, 2011

A moment of silence for a pair of Feijoa...

You were two for $1 at the fruit stand. So we figured we'd give you shot. I am so glad that we did.  You may look like a cucumber on the inside but you taste more like kiwi and were lovely with breakfast. Not to mention a good source of vitamin C.

I hope our paths cross again soon!


  1. I've never heard of Feijoa. I must find this mystery fruit!

  2. At first I thought they were limes... one of the best things about living in Brooklyn is all the exotic fruit - like space fruit exotic! There are things here I have only seen on Star Trek.

  3. I've never heard of them either! I love the random stuff that pops up at fruit stands.

  4. Spoiler Alert! I got some Dragon Fruit too that I'm playing around with today! I'll let you know if anything good comes of it.

  5. I came across you through TGL. :) I've never heard of a Feijoa, sounds delish though! Glad you enjoyed.:)
