
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Special Edition : Shannons @The Movies Contest

Here's something you may not know about me: One of my first jobs was being a movie projectionist. I loved this job. The smell of popcorn in the air. The coveralls and dark tunnels with only a few scattered desk lamps and flickering projectors to light your way. Working till 3 am building prints and then getting to be one of the first people in the country to see a movie. I love movies. I love the uncomfortable chairs and dusty curtains. So I guess it makes sense that our next contest* would have a movie theme of some sorts.

It's pretty simple really - Just leave a comment below answering the first question, tell us what movie the quotes are from and have a bit of fun with #7 :
  1. What movie is the image above from? 
  2. Release the Kraken!
  3. Grow up Heather, bulimia's so '87.
  4. Your use of language has altered since our arrival. It is currently laced with, shall we say, more colorful metaphors, "double dumbass on you" and so forth.   
  5. Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women! 
  6. All I want to do is graduate from high school, go to Europe, marry Christian Slater, and die. Now it may not sound too great to a sconehead like you, but I think it's swell. And you come along and tell me I'm a member of the hairy mole club so you can *throw* things at me?
  7. Please share your favorite quote from a Buddy Cop Film from the 80s or 90s.   
Now before you fire up your search engines (though let's be honest I was pretty easy on you guys - I can't imagine you'll need google much ) remember in order to win one of our contests you need to be a FOLLOWER of Meet The Shannons. If we can't email you - then we can't send you your prize! So before you leave your comment with the answers make sure you are a follower and use the "follow" button on the side.

We'll randomly choose a FOLLOWER from the correct answers posted below and send you a MAJOR AWARD! What is this major award all the kids are talking about? A gift basket of vegan treats to be announced throughout the month and One Meet The Shannons Apron in the color of your choice! Please leave your color preference in the comment.  No color preference? We'll send you black.  Winner will be announced the last week of October! Who knows maybe we'll even have a runner up...

*I know a few of you are like where's my Italian Wedding Soup? It's coming - honestly - we wanted to wait till soup season because we wanted to actually enjoy eating it. Just trust me... It's coming soon to a blog near you... this one if that wasn't clear.


  1. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of The Titans
    3. The Heathers
    4. Star Trek The Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy
    7. I'm too old for this shit.

    Every time I think of that movie True Romance I remember you in 90s with your white blond hair and fake leopard skin coat. You were all red lipstick and thick glasses.

  2. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek 4
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I think?
    7. From Rush Hour: "I work for the LAPD, the most hated law enforcement agency in the world. My own mother's ashamed of me. She tells people I'm a drug dealer."

  3. 1. True Romance (one of the top 5 best movies of all time)
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV, Spock to Kirk
    5. Jaws (though I admit I didn't know that one and cheated off of Ben's)
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the movie
    7. "I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino." Point Break, Bodhi

  4. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek: the Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. From 1987's Dragnet (Really, I'd like to quote about the whole movie): "Why is his so much bigger than yours?" "I've never needed more, ma'am." (talking about his gun ... get your mind out of the gutter!)

  5. I just wanted to share one of my favorite quotes from Dragnet (I, too, could quote the movie almost verbatim because every line is a gem): "It's hard to believe there could be such a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah smack dab in the middle of the same city where they recorded 'We are the World'."

  6. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek: The Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. Beverly Hills Cop is full of them, but any exchange related to the banana in the tailpipe wins. "Is this the gentleman who crashed through Victor Maitland's window? Who disabled an unmarked unit with a banana?"

  7. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. From 48 Hours:
    Reggie: Jack, tell me a story.
    Jack: F@ck you!
    Reggie: Oh, that's one of my favorites.

  8. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of The Titans
    3. The Heathers
    4. Star Trek The Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. From 1995's Bad Boys-"You know you drive almost slow enough to drive Miss Daisy."

  9. LOVE this! I'm always amazed at the whole gotta-wear-this-big-suit-to-change-the-projector-bulb thing. Crazy, man!

    1. True Romance (theme song was in my wedding procession. Hell to the yes!)
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek: The Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. The "Buffy" movie
    7. "Why don't you guys just call it 'heroin'?"

    That was too fun. More of these, please! Also, I'd love it if an apron had the Star Wars legos on it with the blog title. That's one of the best parts.

  10. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV The Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the vampire slayer
    7. Axel Foley: Before I go, I just want you two to know something, alright? The supercop story... was working. Okay? It was working, and you guys just messed it up. Okay? I'm trying to figure you guys out, but I haven't yet. But it's cool. You f*ck up a perfectly good lie.

  11. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. From Tango & Cash: "If you really wanted to stare death in the eye, you shoulda gotten married."

  12. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. from "Rush Hour"
    Clive:Let me tell you something, I don't know anything about that, so you can kiss my fat a$$.
    Carter: Clive, it would take me all day to kiss your fat as$$

  13. 1. True Romance(MY FAVORITE AAAAAHHH)
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. Robocop(does it count? God I love that movie..bahaha) "Your move, creep!"

  14. Holy cow, Ben Gould totally stole my buddy cop quote! :-) Oh wells, here I go...

    1. True Romance
    2. Clash of The Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. "You're not trying to draw a psycho pension! You really ARE crazy!" -- Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover), Lethal Weapon

  15. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans (the original all the way!)
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek 4
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (movie)
    7. Joe Hallenbeck: This is the '90s. You can't just walk up and slap a guy, you have to say something cool first. ("The Last Boyscout")

  16. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. Running Scared
    "How come these losers never live on the ground floor?" "We lost the suspect, our keys, our car, OUR PANTS!"

  17. 1. True Romance
    2. Clash of the Titans
    3. Heathers
    4. Star Trek IV
    5. Jaws
    6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    7. From the Lethal Weapon (1987)
    Roger: "Have you ever met anybody you didn't kill?"
    Martin: "Well, I haven't killed you yet."

    Apron color preference : Green
